Rainbow Bear Blog Giveaway!!!!

In January, I set a lot of lofty business goals for myself. One was to start this blog, another was to get my LLC. As I've been crossing the met goals off of my list, I decided to offer a giveaway as a "thank you". Without you, I would not have been able to meet any of my goals. Every time you make the choice to shop with me instead of a Big Box Store, you're making the choice to support a family, and a dream.

If you are around on my Facebook fan page, then you know how much I love rainbows. Just a peek into my Etsy shop confirms that as well. 

So as a "thank you" for your patronage and support, I'd like to give away this rainbow teddy bear. It is crafted from my hand dyed organic bamboo velour, and is stuffed with polyfil (making it easy to wash!). The velour was dyed with professional grade Procion dyes for color longevity and durability. It measures 13" long, making it perfect for snuggling!

How to enter:

A winner will be drawn via rafflecopter and I'll post the winner on 7/19! Good luck!


  1. The bear is adorable. I also love rainbows :) We love all of our Bright Life Toys!

  2. Oh and My favorite item right now is the rainbow horse!

  3. This dinosaur is my favourite:


    dubhreubel (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. I really like the Brown Bear Mini Sensory Bean Bags

  5. Gail, congratulations of both setting & continually achieving the amazing goals! I love you & your dedication and ethic to provide quality imaginative handmade toys for kiddos of all ages.

    The rainbow horse along with the dragons you made in the past are the awesome-est

  6. My favorite is the dino plushie! http://www.etsy.com/listing/88341155/stuffed-dinosaur-plushie

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I looooove all your stuff, but really am struggling with needing the pink dinosaur.

  9. I always adore your work, Gail. Truly stunning. This may be my favorite in your Etsy store- http://www.etsy.com/listing/104379496/stuffed-elephant-plushie-organic-bamboo

  10. I love the dino! I have one of your lovie teethers and have given them as gifts. They are wonderful!

  11. I love your stuff and my little boy would LOVE this bear to pieces.. Thank you for the awesome giveaway and the chance to win <3

  12. I'm sure you know by now, I love everything in your shop! I'm thinking my next purchase will be a weighted doll for my DS.

  13. We have so many BLT's! Two pocket gnomes (also known as "Hi Little Honey's" at our house), two owls, several play silks... But when did you start making sea horses? We just got home from Disney World, and one of my DD's favorite exhibits were the sea horses at Epcot! LOVE this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/100415019/stuffed-seahorse-plushie-organic-bamboo

  14. My FAV in your store right now is the dinosaurs! They are soo cute and you are extremely talented!

  15. The purple stuffed Frog Plushie is so freaking adorable !!

  16. I love the cute stuffed animals~

  17. Love everything!! Always have :) My favorite thing in the store right now is the weighted waldorf doll. I think Abby would get a kick out of playing with that!


  18. I really love the montessori Rainbow Ball. I think Ruthie would love to play with it.

  19. I love the sensory bean bags with the colors on it. My 10 month old and 5 years old would love them!!!


  20. I love the bean bags! I already have the Eric Carle ones and I just realized what a fantastic gift they'll be for my pregnant friend!

  21. I love your little pocket gnomes!

  22. LOVE this bear...your work is wonderful as always!

  23. I love your hand kites! They are one of my favorites and hope to get some for my kids for christmas
